Athletic padding from is made to last. Our tough-as-nails products have served more stadiums and venues than we can count, and college athletes are all the safer for it. However, your wall padding also takes quite the beating. Standing up against the repeated pummelings of tough athletes is not an easy job, after all!

Hence why we at are here to remind you to take care of your sports venue padding so that it can continue to serve you and your teams for the many years it was intended to do so. Plus, not only will periodic maintenance keep your sports padding working well, it’ll keep it looking sharp too, which is always a bonus, as those stadium lights sure do shine bright!

Don’t know if you’ve been doing maintenance right? While we at are always willing to consult with you about your products, you’ll find some handy advice below on how to properly care for your indoor and stadium wall padding.

If You Notice Something Broken, Fix it ASAP

We know, we know, it sort of obvious that you want your athletic padding, especially if it’s custom-printed with sponsors, to look its best before each and every game. Of course you’ll want to repair any obvious missing screws or torn patches as soon as they occur.

However, it’s not just looks that are at stake when your wall pads are in need of maintenance, but your athletes’ health. Athletic padding is meant to function a certain way – the way that it was installed. Deviation from a pre-set installation means that your facility can no longer provide the safe game that every athlete deserves. Prompt repair can mean the difference between two healthy teams and the disaster that is a lawsuit.

Know When to Replace

Part of your maintenance routine must be assessing if your athletic padding needs replacement. While, like we said,’s products are some of the best that you can buy, nothing is immune to the passage of time.

A good wall pad can last more than a decade, but you might want to opt for replacement sooner if you have aesthetic concerns. In particular, keep an eye on areas of your athletic padding that cover sharp corners, as these corners can be particularly dangerous for athletes and referees alike.

Contact for Replacement Athletic Padding Now

Concerned about the safety of your athletes? Worried your padding has seen better days? We’re here to help with our variety of products. Give our Clarion office a call today at 800-257-6405.