
Impact Resistance vs. Impact Absorption

In all sports, especially those with high rates of collisions, such as football, basketball, baseball, and softball, you need to have the highest quality safety products to protect your athletes from various injuries. While you can’t prevent every injury from happening, you can significantly lower the chances of a serious injury, like a concussion, from happening. To do this, we have spent years adhering to the safety guidelines enacted by governing bodies, as well as conducting our own research. Through our independent studies, we have become the industry leader in safety. Here, our safety experts at will discuss both impact resistance and impact absorption so you can see how they work together.

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How Do Concussions Impact Athletes In The Long-Run?

As a school administrator, organization leader, or coach, you know how crucial it is to protect your athletes from potential injuries. While not all injuries can be prevented, especially in contact-based sports, such as basketball and football, there are steps you can take to protect your athletes. When you invest in our products at, you will have access to the highest quality safety products on the market. These products are proven to prevent injuries, such as strains, sprains, breaks, and traumatic brain injuries. Concussions are considered traumatic brain injury (TBI), and when you receive a concussion, it causes your brain to move rapidly inside your skull, which can damage brain cells. Here, our safety experts will discuss the lasting effects of concussions.

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Tips to Maintain Your Baseball and Softball Fields

Keeping your school or organization’s athletic facilities maintained and up-to-date may seem like an easy task, but there is a great deal of work that goes in behind the scenes. This work results in high-quality, safe playing surfaces and facilities. However, the person in charge of this maintenance, whether it is an administrator, coach, or groundskeeper, knows the long hours and detailed work that goes into proper maintenance. People who are new to this industry may not understand how much work goes into maintaining playing fields, especially baseball and softball fields. At, our products are used in thousands of facilities across the country, and we know how much work it takes to maintain these properties. Here, we will discuss some things to keep in mind when maintaining your baseball and softball fields.

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Preventing Concussions At Your Baseball and Softball Diamonds

In sports across every level, from tee-ball to professional leagues, concussions have been and continue to be a relevant concern across the board. For years, we have been conducting our own research on our safety products to stay ahead of the curve and develop high-quality products that are proven to reduce injuries of all kinds, especially concussions. Though you may think of concussions occurring in more compact-driven sports, such as football, lacrosse, and basketball, they can also occur in other sports, like baseball and softball. Here, our safety experts at will discuss why you should invest in our products for your diamonds, as well as where you should install them at.

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What Puts Our Padding A Step Above The Rest?

While there are plenty of companies out there that provide wall padding and other safety equipment for athletes, as a coach or administrator, you know that you need to do your research to find the best possible option for the safety of your athletes and fans. When you are doing your research, you need to look for the highest-rated equipment, the equipment with the best safety records, and more. At, our team has been creating and researching the highest-quality safety equipment for over 30 years and is constantly creating new products. Here, our team will explain what sets us apart.

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What Areas In Your Sports Venue Need Padding?

As a coach or administrator, it is your responsibility to ensure your athletes and fans are protected during sporting events. There can be collisions in many sports. However, certain sports are more dangerous than others and need to be treated as such. When collisions happen, you want your athletes to be protected with the best safety equipment available. At, we have spent years doing our own research and independent testing to ensure we are constantly innovating and discovering what foams work best to prevent injuries. Here, our team will discuss which areas of your athletic facilities need to be padded for the protection of your athletes.

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How The Right Approach To Branding Can Enhance Your Organization

Creating a relevant brand is a delicate balance. You need to display your brand colors and logos clearly, while not overwhelming your audience. If your brand is too much, people may be less encouraged to invest in it, and it may not get them excited about cheering on your team. When people come to watch your team(s), they want to walk into the facility and feel the passion and atmosphere surrounding your program. To make the fans feel part of your organization, you need to carefully create your brand. Here, our team at will discuss how the right brand can bring your organization to new heights.

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Why You Should Get Bleacher Curtains for Basketball Season

In today’s world, more schools are adopting bleacher curtains for their athletic facilities to keep fans and athletes safe. We suggest using bleacher curtains to keep fans and children out from underneath the bleachers in your school’s gym or colosseum. Because of the various mechanisms and tracks under bleachers, they are relatively unsafe, and no one should be playing or taking shortcuts under them.

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Maintaining Your Playing Fields

To give your athletes the best play facilities possible while also giving your fans the best experience possible, it is crucial to maintain your athletic facilities and playing surfaces. While the main show takes place on the field of play, important events happen on the sidelines, in the endzones, and on the baselines. The sidelines play host to the coaches, cheerleaders, medical crews, camera crews, media, and more. If those areas are not well-maintained, it may be difficult to build a strong fan base and increase awareness for your programs. Here, our experts at will discuss why it’s important to maintain all aspects of your facilities.

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Polyurethane Foam And Wall Pads

At, we pride ourselves on providing you with the highest quality products to keep your athletes, fans, and staff safe near the playing surface. Due to our commitment to the safety of our customers, we have frequently upgraded to the newest, most advanced equipment to protect you. In recent years, we have begun using Polyurethane foam for our wall pads. This type of foam is proven to be one of the most versatile products on the market. Not only is it used for safety in wall pads and more, but it is also used in several different industries.

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